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Львівський стандарт

Александров ралі


Прайм Ялта


Rules of Open Ukrainian Virtual Championship 2010-2011

(next Rules)

0.0 Administration of resource of RBR-UA (rbr.at.ua), organizes championship of Open Ukrainian Virtual Championship 2010-11 on the game of Richard Burns Rally (next – RBR).

1. Organization of Championship

1.1 Administrative roles, foreseen for realization of competitions, include:
1.1.1 A director - is an organizer of competition, which is responsible for the general adjusting and awarding judgement for by all vexed question and not conditioned this Rules.
1.1.2 Technical director – accountable for organization of every separate rally (can be an individual person on every stage).
1.1.3 A college of Sporting Commissars (CSC) - is an executive committee, which watches after the observance of Rules of this competitioners, view petition of participants, makes decision on the basis of Rules and gives a report a director about all situations, not stipulated this Rules. CSC formed to beginning of a 1 stage of championship.

1.2 Championship consists of 12 stages which are conducted with interruptions approximately in 3 week, from 08:00 Kyiv time of Thursday to 23:59 Kyiv time Tuesday. (Kyiv time-GMT +2:00)
1.2.1 Every rally event will made of 2 Legs. Аmount and character of stages is determined in the obedience to the real rally.
1.2.1 First leg (rally day) of stage starts at 08:00 Kyiv time on Thursday and closed in Saturday on 23:59 Kyiv time (Kyiv time-GMT +2:00).
1.2.1 Second leg (rally day) of the stage starts on Sunday at 08:00 Kyiv time and closed in Tuesday on 23:59 Kyiv time (Kyiv time-GMT +2:00).
1.2.2 The date of realization of every stage is determined a calendar (addition 1).
1.2.3 Service areas during a rally are set in obedience to the real analog of rally.
1.2.4 Between stages works Super Rally System, which foresees a fine for each skipped as a result of crush of stages, is calculated after a formula «absolute best time +300 seconds».
1.2.5 In the case of crush on the second leg of the stage a pilot DNF is set off.
1.2.6 Organizers have privilege to change the calendar of Championship but they must early warn the championship driver's (minimum 3 drivers) about changes.

1.3 Objective technical problems like (cat on the keyboard,antivirus update, swith off the light) or something like that will be treated as technical problems and equate to crush.
1.3.1 In the case of crush of game during the load of stage, a participant has a possibility to reach the stage through the system of message of request on the site of plugin. For implementation of this point, on the site of results there must be the proper mark of "Did of not start at of SS .” only at implementation of this condition possible implementation of p 1.3.1
1.3.2 In the case of problems which arose up on reason of partial or complete refuse of server, director of championship has a right to rescind a rally, or carry his leadthrough on other period of time.

1.4 In Championship there are these classes of cars:
1.4.1 S2000 - S2000 class of cars, which supported on plugin.
1.4.2 N4 – N4 class of cars, which supported on plugin.
1.4.3 S1600 – S1600 class of cars, which supported on plugin.
1.4.4 У – A7, A6, N3 and H class of cars, which supported on plugin.

1.5 In championship are settled only that cars,which allowed by Director and CSC.
1.5.1 Two change of car is settled in championship after a start . A participant is under an obligation to report about a change to the start of the stage.

1.6 In championship teams are admits.
1.6.1 All teams must have a manager,who will contact with championship organizators during the Championship. To create/modify/delete team, manager must say this to Championship organizators.
1.6.2 Team can consist of 5 pilots maksimum.
1.6.3 Team is admitted to the rally in that composition which was fixed in the moment of start of rally (in a starting list).

1.7.1 In all classes and in an absolute at the end of every rally the best pilots get points after to the following a system:
25-20-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (20 places of points)
1.7.2 Points are counted after verification and claim of results of all pilots with account time penalties if they was.
1.7.3 To get points in team standings can only two fastest drivers in team . Pilot A + Pilot B =Team toints. Team standings are common for all classes.
1.7.4 Points in classes are counted if less than 5 cars of this class started in a rally and finished not less than 3 cars of this class. In opposite if there are not enough drivers in class- in decision of CSC,this drivers passes to the next, more high level, class.

2. Participating is in championship

2.1 Every, who have a game and possibility of regular participation, can declare itself on competition.
2.2 Forbidden registration and participating in championship with two and more different names.
2.3 At a necessity participation two or more people on one computer, participants must report about this CSC in advance.

2.2 If you want to take part on competitions - you must send the form-request - REGISTRATIONS.
2.2.1 Requests on participation are accepted on the official forum of championship, on an e-mail and from the authorized persons on other internet-resources.
2.2.2 A request on participation must be published to the start of rally, from which a driver plans to start in championship.
2.3.3 Every driver gets appropriated by administration of project an unique starting number.
2.3.4 Taking part in a competition – you confirm the consent with this rules

2.3 Everyone can declare a team.
2.3.1 A request on participating team in championship must be published by team manager in the proper theme on an official forum, on an e-mail or through official representatives on other the internet resources. Form of request on creation a team is in addition 2.
2.3.2 A request must be published to the start of rally, from which team to start in championship.

2.4 Every driver must to take part in a rally on the car declared during registration
2.4.1 Participation on the undeclared car is punished disqualification on this rally. A relapse is disqualification in championship.

2.5 Starting in a rally is allowed only one time.
2.5.1 Start of rally is consider an output on starting position of first stage in rally.
2.6 Every driver must save replays all stages in rally and be ready to present any replays at the end of every rally after the requirement of CSC.

2.7 Cutting stages with all 4 wheels - are forbidden in championship.
2.7.1 Cutting - is reduction of way for internal radius of turn, at which all four wheels of car are outside the road.
2.7.2 The limits road are set by judges on their own discretion.

3. Judgement

3.1 For control of observance of rules of passing stages CSC may require from drivers any replays which must be sent during 48 hours after the finish of rally.
3.1.2 To present replays must best 5 drivers in anyclasses of rally.

3.2 A request with the list of necessary replays is published on the official forum of championship during 12 hours after the finish of rally as a separate theme.
3.2.1 Every driver carries the personal responsibility for verification of presence of query in his address, and can get a postponement to 24 hours maksimum, appealing to CSC with the proper request to the moment of completion of dead-line of presenting replays.

3.3 Every participant can check up replays of any other drivers, and in the case of exposure of breach of order to appeal to CSC.
3.4 Every driver can to appeal to CSC with petition, appeal or request to consider the controversial questions which were during championship.


4.1 Starting in rally without previous registration to the start of rally – a result is not set off, even in the case of registration before end of rally.

4.2 Registration or participation under two or more names is disqualification without returning under any name.

4.3 Participation two or more people from one computer without the previous reporting of CSC – cancellation of results of all participants from one computer that behave to rally on which they played on one computer.

4.4 Participation on an unsolved car or on a car different from declared is cancellation of results of the proper rally. At the repeated violation possible disqualification is on the decision of CSC.

4.5 Cutting with all 4 wheels at the stages - penalty +20 sec for every cutting.

4.6 Absence replays in certain terms is a fine of 300 sek for every replay.

4.7 Any attempts of swindle and to deception in championship punished immediate disqualification on a term which will define CSC.

4.8 Ignorance of this rules is not basis for voidance of punishment.

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